The Man Stand Alone!

  The Man Stand Alone!

I believe any person can stand alone. You should live your life by your own merits. No one can't help you.

 Your life and your decisions. Where you want to go. Life always be up-down. Before I was working in IBM. I quite my job November 5 2018. start business like new start-up clothes showroom. Sometimes you think  better for new works and own journey.

But sometimes didn't work what you thinking. And implement your action. Now situation is very different. Now iam facing financial crises difficult to handle those situations. I live only for my positive attitude.

Don't we all stand alone? I mean, we are born alone and we die alone for the most part. At some point in life we stand alone. Heck many times I have been hesitant to go in my own path but I didn't really have any better options so I stood alone and found it is okay. Like the people you love your family they are apart of you no matter what. So when you are standing alone you have their support in spirit.

Don't fear, you'll find someone who will discern you. Respect yourself, don't sell yourself cheap. You are Unique, no one can replace you.

Remember, never give up and always believe in yourself in spite of rejection.

So friends, even if you are unsuccessful in your lives, don't forget this incident. Your time, your Struggle, your hard work. Your journey.

So, if you fail many time in life, don't get demotivated , as FAIL - First Attempt In Learning. And trying has never end , — as END - Efforts Never Dead.

So Always remain hopeful, stay strong , move ahead.

——— Thanks —


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